April E-News: Milestone in Arctic Project and Earth Month News

Hello Braided River Family!

We have seen historic headlines recently regarding the Arctic project! On Friday, April 19th, the Biden Administration announced that they are establishing new protections for +13 million acres of America's Western Arctic. This news is being applauded by Native communities in the Arctic and is a significant leap forward on climate and conservation and the protection of sacred land. It's also a land protection win in a place that Braided River has been working to protect since our inception.

We're so proud to be a part of the work to protect the American Arctic, and invite you to encourage the administration to keep taking action.

  1. Our newest book Big River: Resilience and Renewal in the Columbia Basin will launch June 1st with events all across the region to spark dialogue and reflection about the incredible Columbia River.

  2. Amy Gulick's award-winning book about the Tongass Rainforest, Salmon in the Trees is now back in stock.

  3. Living River is a finalist in the Colorado Book Awards!

Everywhere we look people are immersing themselves in the beauty and power of nature, teaching others, getting inspired and taking action. As we come into an Earth Week likely full of more encouraging news for our living planet— we hope you take time to celebrate and be energized by all that has been accomplished.

Watch New 18-minute Video on Teshekpuk Lake Wetlands in America’s Arctic

Braided River was proud to collaborate on a new short film—America’s Arctic– Teshekpuk Wetlands— produced by the Cornell Lab of Ornithology with Protect the Arctic. The project combines breathtaking videography, storytelling, and music to highlight various bird species that migrate to the mosaic tundras of Teshekpuk Lake in the Arctic Coastal Plain of the Western Arctic of Alaska for breeding. View the video on Youtube and for more information on Teshekpuk wetland birds check out the 2024 Spring edition of Living Bird Magazine, and the Protect The Arctic website.

Big River— Coming June 1!

The release of Big River: Resilience and Renewal in the Columbia Basin is weeks away! Kirkus Review describes the photography by David Moskowitz as “a visual counterpoint between nature and civilization” and Eileen Delehanty Pearkers’ writing as “lucid and full of compelling scientific and historical detail, but it also conveys a deep spiritual connectedness.” See what this review is all about by celebrating the launch of this breathtaking book at an event near you!  

Amy Gulick’s Salmon in the Trees Back in Stock!

The two-time award-winning book Salmon in the Trees: Life in Alaska' Tongass Rainforest is back in stock and available for order! Author photographer Amy Gulick’s reprint of a favorite explores the interconnectedness of the rare Tongass rainforest ecosystem. Read more on the Salmon in the Trees project here.

The Arctic: Film Openings Across the Country

The Arctic: Our Last Great Wilderness continues to tour science centers and IMAX movie theaters across the country  Find a theater near you. Here is where the film will be showing in the coming month!

Photo Credits
Top Photo: Gerrit Vyn
Second photo: Gerrit Vyn

Third photo: David Moskowitz, cover of Big River: Resilience and Renewal in the Columbia Basin
Fourth photo: Amy Gulick, cover of Salmon in the Trees: Life in Alaska's Tongass Rainforest
Fifth photo: Florian Schulz, poster for The Arctic: Our Last Great Wilderness