The North Cascades
Finding Beauty & Renewal in the Wild Nearby
William Dietrich
About the Author
A lover of wild places, Debbie Miller has explored and written about Alaska’s wilderness and wildlife for more than four decades. She is the author of Midnight Wilderness: Journeys in Alaska’s Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (Braided River, 2011), On Arctic Ground: Tracking Time Through Alaska’s National Petroleum Reserve (Braided River, 2012), and numerous award-winning children’s nature books about Alaska.
About the Photographer
Hugh Rose has spent the last twenty-five years exploring and photographing Alaska’s natural beauty, wildlife, birds, plants, and geology from his base in Fairbanks. As a freelance photographer and naturalist-guide, his focus is the Arctic and Prince William Sound, but he began his career in Denali. He has spent the last twenty years working with Dean Rand on the Discovery as a naturalist while also photographing the Nellie Juan-College Fiord Wilderness Study Area.
Select media
"A book with a mission" - Anchorage Daily News, May 20, 2018
Magnificent Sights of the Sound - Alaska Sporting Journal, May 17, 2018